What I Learned When I Visited Adelanto

By Lisa Eve Cheby


the high desert stretches     hours west of airbnbs and selfie backdrops    here Joshua Trees weep
their ancient heads                                   droop in sorrow                          warning

warning: injustice ahead         Adelanto means progress          the land of unlimited promises
promises can be a curse      a trick              like a traffic ticket that makes a father disappear

like a detention center             a euphemism for eradication                           of brown bodies,
not-so-temporarily                 uniformed in blue or orange or red             coded by threat level

AC blasts    windowless rooms     109 degrees     water sucked from skin    I must remember
we could not bring in paper, pen, phone           Ximena denied entry:  “no leggings allowed”

or was it no brown skin friends?          Refugio’s in bright orange       talks slowly,
as if to his 3-yr-old daughter       Martha and I            listen          struggle to understand:

9 months            no patrocinador           patrocinador      no     patro         cin           ador
sponsor    the man in blue at the next trio of chairs        pauses his visit             interprets

asked   no sponsor    asked    no response    asked    no attorney   asked asked   savings    no
access     a fiancée       no crime       a cousin        no letters      no calls    no visits   no rights

                                    Espero una oportunidad  /  I want a chance

English sneaks into Refugio’s story – appliance, Best Buy, Sears – and I understand:  he is a man
who knows how to use straps and triceps to contort stoves over the counters into tight spaces,

like the cirque du soleil show in my kitchen by men wearing tan costumes streaked in grease
of course it was not him in my home        was not my stove on his route         now he cleans

for an extra plateo    a phone call to his daughter     who struggles to understand, too      we leave
money through the kiosk outside       even our cash kindness is suspect      subject to surveillance:

name    birthday     address      phone number      & a $4 transaction fee         unlimited profits
will I get a receipt?    “We withhold any guarantee of a disruption to our system, GEO & ICE”


Lisa Eve Cheby’s poems, articles, and reviews have appeared in various journals including The Rumpus, Entropy, Knowledge Quest, The Citron Review, Tidal Basin Review, A cappella Zoo, and TAB: Journal of Poetry and Poetics, which nominated her poem for a 2015 Pushcart Prize. Lisa’s poems are also found in the anthologies Drawn to Marvel, The Burden of Light, and Coiled Serpent. Her chapbook, Love Lessons from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Dancing Girl Press) was featured in The Wardrobe’s Best Dressed Series. Lisa holds an MFA from Antioch and an MLIS from SJSU. You can follow Lisa on Twitter and on Facebook.

Photo credit: Tony Webster via a Creative Commons license.

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