abstract image in bright colors representing planets and the wind

The North Wind & The Sun

By Jacqueline Jules

“Gentleness and kind persuasion win where force and bluster fail.”
       —The North Wind and the Sun, Aesop


The woman seated next to me
on the plane, sees the star
around my neck and begins
asking questions.

How can I be happy without eating ham?
she wants to know. Or live in America
without a Christmas tree?

I could tell her to ask the internet,
my eyes as cold as the tiny soda cans
we’ve just been served.

I could bluster and howl
like Aesop’s North Wind
forcing her to pull
her blue silk shawl
tighter and tighter.

Or we could have a conversation.

And I could be like Aesop’s Sun,
shining with gentle beams, until
she feels too warm to stay wrapped
in her misconceptions.


Jacqueline Jules is the author of Manna in the Morning (Kelsay Books, 2021) and Itzhak Perlman’s Broken String, winner of the 2016 Helen Kay Chapbook Prize from Evening Street Press. Her poetry has appeared in more than 100 publications, including K’in, The Sunlight Press, Gyroscope Review, and One Art. Visit her website at www.jacquelinejules.com.

Photo credit: Garland Cannon via a Creative Commons license.

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