Sad Homage to Whitman
By Mark J. Mitchell
Fatigued and down-hearted I read the result of the vote.
Wind has been stolen from my sails.
Fellow travelers jump, one by one, off the plank.
over the low gunwale of the ship of state.
November 9, 2016
Mark J. Mitchell studied writing at UC Santa Cruz under Raymond Carver and George Hitchcock. His work has appeared in various periodicals over the last thirty-five years, as well as the anthologies Good Poems, American Places, Hunger Enough, Retail Woes and Line Drives. His poems have also been nominated for both Pushcart Prizes and The Best of the Net. Three of his collections and chapbooks—Three Visitors, Lent 1999, and Artifacts and Relics—and a novel, Knight Prisoner, are available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. He resides in San Francisco with his wife, the documentarian and filmmaker Joan Juster. Visit his Facebook page.
Reading Recommendation: Artifacts & Relics by Mark J. Mitchell.