Levels of Knowing and Existence

By Martin H. Levinson

Truth is a liar Trump says,
a smokescreen invented by gay,
black environmentalists who
sneak spics across the border
when the border patrol has its
back turned because they are
busy at work keeping Muslims
out of the country and pledging
allegiance to the flag of the
Divided States of America, and
to the Republics for which it stands,
two nations under Smog, inexplicable,
with liberty and justice for misogynists,
racists and science-deniers who want
to make America great again like it was
before Obamacare, the EPA and the
North’s conquest of the South in
the War Between the States.



Martin H. Levinson is a member of the Authors Guild, National Book Critics Circle, PEN, and the book review editor for ETC: A Review of General Semantics. He has published nine books and numerous articles and poems in various publications. He holds a PhD from NYU and lives in Forest Hills, New York.

Image credit: U.S. Library of Congress.

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