Silk Purse I: An Erasure

from Donald Trump’s Speech to AIPAC 3/21/16


By Douglas Wood


The bomb clock
doesn’t require a number
but zero,
No matter,
The wiped face
of the earth

What kind of minds write
in twisted missiles
and the swirling terms
imposed by disaster—
disaster repeated
in the hope
it didn’t happen?

But it’s precisely
the opposite population
that will rise
and move the eternal,
knowing the unbreakable
will forever exist

It could be happening now


Douglas Wood’s work has been published in Narrative MagazineThe Rattling Wall, Rise Up Review, Coachella and TheEeel (formerly Newer York) among othersHe received his MFA in creative writing from University of California, Riverside/Palm Desert and also workshopped with renowned editor Tom Jenks. As a playwright, lyricist, or composer, he’s had twelve plays produced in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and elsewhere, including the Expense of Spirit which was selected for presentation in New York for the Gay Games IV. A child of the Midwest, Douglas lives in Los Angeles, and, while he does not miss the change of seasons, he does miss gluten.

Photo credit: The Meat Case via a Creative Commons license.

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