Letter to Santa

By Anne Anthony


Dear Santa,

You disappointed me. I was (mostly) good last year. Maybe I cursed, but I was frustrated and baffled. Somehow my family (?), my friends (?), my neighbors (?) voted in a president who—and I’ve got to be honest here—terrifies me.

Did you even read my letter?? I quoted Pope Francis, hoping his words would make a difference.

Anyone who is too attached to material things or the mirror … should avoid going into politics.”

I didn’t ask for material things; I just wanted a redo. A mulligan, my husband would say.

And you ignored completely my backup ask: peace on earth goodwill to men! Still waiting for some sign of that one. You make it hard to believe.

Guess I’ll light a candle next Sunday.



Anne Anthony has been published in the North Carolina Literary Review, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Dead Mule School for Southern Literature, Poetry South and elsewhere. She holds a Masters in Professional Writing from Carnegie Mellon University. She lives and writes full-time in North Carolina. Visit Anne’s website at anneanthony.weebly.com.

Image: Trump hair gift wrap by American Vinyl.

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