
By IE Sommsin


Tragic, that whore of a word, conjoining with demagogic scheme and crazy scam and the most shameful patriotic sham, to dress up the bleak disaster they bring.

It’s wonderful how one word neatly pricks swollen outrage, obscuring rightful blame

so there’s no cause to curse and name by name the breathtaking scum and their clever tricks and words woven to hide their vicious traps.

You may think your indignation’s burning, but it’s the wheel of history turning—

only friction and smoke, you trusting saps. It’s fate; shit happens, and that’s all you get, not justice, not remorse, never regret.


IE Sommsin, a writer and artist from Kentucky, lives in San Francisco and has a fondness for sonnets.

EDITOR’S NOTE: If you like what you’re reading, please make a contribution to the cause. Give a sawbuck here.

Photo credit: Christopher Najewicz via a Creative Commons license.

One thought on “Tragic

  1. I love it. Thanks, IE Sommsin, for reminding me that it’s history turning. But yes. I AM burning.

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