On the Knees of Metal Gods

By G. Louis Heath


Someday soon, better later, the icons we
Worship will leap from their cathedrals

To quick pulses, the implosive blood of
Impulse. On that surge, the hooded eyes

Of eternity will blink, or they will not.
The existential surge of non-being rises

On the tide of fathomless hearts till the
Fates take their measure. Some fates cut

Threads, some do not. That is the simple
Algorithm of a globe balanced on knees

Of pricey metal gods. Let us lock arms and
Bury these false gods far from their silos.


G. Louis Heath, Ph.D., Berkeley, 1969, is Emeritus Professor, Ashford University, Clinton, Iowa. He enjoys reading his poems at open mics. He often hikes along the Mississippi River, stopping to work on a poem he pulls from his back pocket, weather permitting. He has published poems in a wide array of journals. His books include Leaves Of Maple and Long Dark River Casino.

Photo credit: Mark Miller via a Creative Commons license.

One thought on “On the Knees of Metal Gods

  1. Love this poem! It is really all about what we worship, isn’t it?

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