Ying Wu

Welcome Ying Wu, poetry editor

Ying WuWe are delighted to introduce our new editor, Ying Wu, who is joining editor Laura Orem in the Writers Resist world of poetry.

Ying Wu is a poet and cognitive scientist, and host of the Gelato Poetry reading series in San Diego (meetup.com/BrokenAnchorPoetry). She is also a proud member of the editorial team of Kids! San Diego Poetry Annual. More examples of her work can be found online at Poetry and Art at the San Diego Art Institute (poetryandartsd.com), in the Serving House Journal (servinghousejournal.com), and in Writers Resist, as well as in the material world at the San Diego Airport and in print journals, such as the Clackamas Literary Review. Ying currently studies insight and problem solving (insight.ucsd.edu) at UC San Diego and lives with her husband and daughter on a sailboat in the San Diego Bay.

Please join us in welcoming Ying Wu and celebrating her poem— 


breathe the air

name stars

snap photographs

count minutes, kilometers
degrees, Ohms, inches
Herz, decibels, terrabytes
millivolts, microns, pounds

the clouds
are turning pink

or thick
and smooth
like blankets

or high
and thin
in rippled wisps

in heaven

speak in

speak in

talk about

stretch our
hands wide.


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