Ten Commandments from the Book of MAGA

By Chris Maiurro and Remy Dambron, an artist-author collaboration

I.     I alone am your news, you shall not have other news besides me.
II.    Thou shalt not make unto thee global waming or covfefe.
III.   Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lord, your vain president.
IV.   Remember which came first, the wheel and the wall.
V.    Honor thy twitter and fox.
VI.   Thou shalt not kill unless invoking the second amendment.
VII.  Thou shalt not commit adultery above one hundred thirty thousand.
VIII. Thou shalt not be caught stealing.
IX.   Though shalt only bear witness to false and alternate facts.
X.    Thou shalt only covet thy partisan goods.


Remy and Chris met in Portland, Oregon during March for Our Lives 2018. They have since teamed up to advocate for equal rights, attending community-led events that promote social justice and collaborating on poetry, prose, and imagery that denounce political corruption.

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