The Chain & The Screens & The Fire

By Jake Phillips

 — after Alexandrea Teague’s “’My Country, ‘Tis of Thee’ (arranged for Brazen Bull)”


Bellows and bolts     and the king     and the king’s rage
at the price of freedom     the fire   the face like fire hot-orange
on your screen     first look at your phones   the fire given
to humankind     hot breath    fogging     hot    and he bellows
at the man in chains     as he has always done     the least racist
person that you’ve ever encountered    may the eagle peck
his liver     the lives chained     first look     look     the tweets may the eagle
peck     the deplorables on this rock     chained     a chain a storm
of characters     filthy language on fire     and you don’t want
to live with them either     the eagle feasts     on freedom
on many sides     on liver, regrowing     feast your eyes     feed    your phone
for the king     who has done more for African Americans     Americans
create their own violence     and the box was opened     all 140
characters and their hashtags     their own violence    released
unchained into the world     then they try to blame others   the violence
on many sides     the Titan the fire     the hero of culture
a really dumb guy     the liver always     and his rock     the disgusting, rat
and rodent infested mess     always returns     and the hope on the bottom
the hope     the birth certificate is a fraud     the faces
lit up with the fire     we hold our hands out     dangerous
for our country     let’s take a closer look     the chains tighten     the liver
returns     can you imagine the furor     the blaze     the pecking eternal
he watches    tweets from    Oval throne     never discriminated
the violence     a terrible thing     the mud of mankind    melting from the fire


Jake Phillips is a first-year poetry MFA candidate at the University of Massachusetts, Boston; a former teacher; and a former librarian. His writing has appeared in Z Poetry’s anthologies Massachusetts’ Best Emerging Poets and America’s Emerging Poets: Northeast Region. He currently works as a publishing assistant for Hanging Loose Press. Find him on Twitter @itsjustJp.

Photo credit: schizoform via a Creative Commons license.

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