Tail of Masculinity

By Ben P. Effiòng


I was born into a society
Defined by fraternities
In a hospital ward decorated with partiality
My birth, celebrated like African obesity
This was the privilege attached to my sexuality
I was born a male, with the tail of masculinity

Birthed into this artificiality
Characteristic of ma/pa-triarchy
I sat on the throne of gender roles
Nodding to the rhythm of privilege carols
Sowing seeds of sexism without parole
While getting used by the “second sex” I tagged as whores

I was born into a fraternity
Malignant to femininity
Where being a “man” meant wearing the identity
And non-membership equated with docility
Where ability was defined by “controlling” your family
And the symbol of manhood entrenched in brutality

I was born into patriarchy
The shameless face of matriarchy
That demonizes “courtesy” as a weakness
And being unmarried by women a sickness

I was born a male, with the tail of masculinity
But, I’ll die a rebel, with tales of equality.


Ben P. Effiòng is a philosopher, award-winning poet, and a debater whose articles and poetry have been published in both national and international newspapers and anthologies. Ben believes in using the power of creative expression to create social change. Follow him on Twitter @Benblag.

Photo by Crawford Jolly on Unsplash.

2 thoughts on “Tail of Masculinity

  1. Hey Patrick!

    I just read your poem.

    Works of art, I believe ought to be given a dispassionate or disinterested attitude.

    Your poem rings as though you might have been a women in a previous existence.

    I believe strongly in reincarnation and swaps in gender.

    That is the take from your poem. Rhyme and rhythm can be easily discerned. The touch of a woman, yes, but that goes beyond your presence existence.

    I am proud of you. I just pray you do not miscarry your potentials. Do not give up please. Do not. Keep doing what you do best in the absence of results or rewards. Be the best at it. You are on the right track but do not derail.


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