America likes to ask

By Emily Knapp 

Are you like me? or

not like me?

Are you normal? or

not normal?

Are you human? or

not human?

Are you a boy? or

a girl?

Are you a woman? or

a man?


America likes to say:

We are right.


are wrong.

We are normal.


are not.

Fit into my box


face the consequences.


Emily Knapp is a writer and comedian living in Denver. She is originally from Chicago, but fled west because she really likes seeing the sun in February. Her poetry has been featured in Writers Resist and Fearsome Critters, and her satire has been featured in Funny-ish, Slackjaw, The Chicago Genius Herald, and Westish. You can read more of her writing on

WODB image created by Karla Webb.

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