Sculpture of a beached whale

The Whale

By Kerry Loughman                                 


never budged

becalmed she was

bleached by sun

& beached     on relentless rise

of blue water liquid leeched

from her eyes           her orifices

her great mouth agape

her lungs did evaporate

Climate-changed      her

wishes drowned

in sand


Kerry Loughman is a retired educator and photographer living in the Boston area. She writes about memory, art, family, and nature in the city, looking for small transient moments of beauty . . . or discord. Her work has appeared in Mass Poetry’s The Hard Work of Hope and Poem of the MomentNixes’ Mate, What Rough BeastThe Main Street Rag and is forthcoming in Lily Poetry Review.

Image credit: “The Whale” by Christopher Michel via a Creative Commons license.

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2 thoughts on “The Whale

  1. A wonderful editorial decision to pair the poem with Christopher Michel’s haunting black and white photograph. They lay on the page like twins. You’d think that he and I had collaborated on the finished work. Thank you for your eyes and ears ! Makes my appearing on this site doubly satisfying.

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