By Zhihua Wang



It’s October now,
I am still listening to the song
“Beautiful Springtime.”
It seems the spring
of 2020 never came.


The moon must love
my daughter’s window
more as it often has songs
flying out of it.


I am in love with my bed now.
Every time I lie on my pillow,
wrapped in my comforter,
I think of him.


Poems are flowers
I pick on my road.
I pack them well to send out –
when they open them, I hope
the fragrance is still there.


I used to believe the majority
of the world thinks the same
as me. Now I know it’s only
half. But I should still cheer
even if the win is by a hair.


Zhihua Wang received her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Central Arkansas and is currently a Ph.D. student in Creative Writing at the University of Rhode Island. Her poems have appeared in Aji, Last Leaves, Across the Margin, Eunoia Review, and elsewhere.

Photo credit: Alessandro Giangiulio via a Creative Commons license.

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By | 2024-06-16T10:36:17-07:00 June 19th, 2024|Categories: Issue 144: June 2024|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments