Writing is an act of resistance
Malice in Four Thoughts
By Bruce Robinson They didn’t see it coming (how could they?) And then it rained, rained and we weren’t witness so we can only surmise that the days grew shorter and who’s to say that clocks could demonstrate a direction and there was nothing one could do about it (which is what we did)…
By Jennifer Hernandez When the water finally breaches the dam, long after empty hollows, long after parched ground, even after all is well, the deluge doesn’t stop, becomes a train, careens through the station, passengers left behind on platforms, watching, like the citizens of Pompeii as ash rains down from the mountain, peaceful exterior…
Tallent Neal’s Hungry Belly
By Ron L. Dowell You’re on Compton City Hall’s council chambers steps, a fist-sized Black Lives Matter button pinned conspicuously on your t-shirt, your belly distending and nearly blocking out Congresswoman Imelda Herrera and obscenely stretching Elizabeth Eckford’s 1957 photo that’s on your tee. Elizabeth’s lovely brown face is downcast, looking cautiously through dark…
Farewell and Welcome!
Laura Orem is retiring after almost two years as one of our dedicated volunteer poetry editors. Farewell, Laura! While we’ll miss Laura—and her sense of humor—we’re delighted to welcome our newest poetry editor, Tori Cárdenas. Tori is a queer Tainx/Latinx poet from Northern New Mexico. In 2014, she graduated from the University of New Mexico…
By John C. Mannone We are desperate for life to be found outside our comfortable homes here on this planet. We send messengers to the outer reaches of our solar system —robots with test tube eyes see 200 atom-heavy molecules on Saturn’s Enceladus geysering from a subsurface ocean, icy plumes feathered with biochemistry—life essential…
Observation After Watching a National Geographic Documentary
By Joanne Sharp Some monkeys have learned that a rock can break open a nut. Other monkeys are learning that a nut can break open their world. Joanne Sharp, Southern California native, graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in Art. Lifelong interests in arts practice, music, and literature led to her to poetry…
Ten Commandments from the Book of MAGA
By Chris Maiurro and Remy Dambron, an artist-author collaboration I. I alone am your news, you shall not have other news besides me. II. Thou shalt not make unto thee global waming or covfefe. III. Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lord, your vain president. IV. Remember which came first, the…
He Went to the City of Bridges
By Jack Ridl For all the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue killings He went to the city of bridges. He stood in front of the synagogue, dared shake the hand of the Rabbi. He said what his daughter and son-in-law told him to say. He went to the city of bridges. He…
When Women Drink We Love
By Julia Tagliere Why is it that when women drink we love We melt at your gentle insistence and praise your strong hands We shed our full-body armor and open our honeyed limbs We forget When women drink we love We do not, generally, shove bottles into your rectums or try to force your…